Wednesday, March 21, 2012
The Saratogian

The Prevention Council, the nonprofit agency that seeks to reduce the abuse of drugs, alcohol and tobacco in Saratoga County through education and counseling, celebrated its 30th birthday Tuesday.

“Thirty years ago prevention was not on people’s radar,” Executive Director Heather Kisselback said.

The Prevention Council focuses mostly in the middle and high schools in Saratoga County by providing educational programs that raise awareness of drug and alcohol issues. There is good news, based on surveys of middle schoolers and high schoolers.

“We have found that over the years the rates of drug and alcohol use has decreased,” Kisselback said.

But people are finding new avenues for substance abuse.

“There are more and more things out there such as synthetic marijuana and binge drugs that are being used,” Kisselback said.

The council’s core belief is that keeping parents, children and the community as a whole informed is key in preventing and combating alcoholism and drug addiction and abuse.

The nonprofit agency relies on donations.

“Fundraising is a good way of informing and involving the community that can be fun for both adults and kids,” says Robin Ambrosino, the council’s manager of marketing and communications.

This year’s event will is called the Tuff eNuff Challenge, on Saturday May 19 at Saratoga Race Course. The challenge will consist of a 5K obstacle course, one for adults and one for kids. The first wave will start at 9 a.m. and the Youth Run will be at 10 a.m. For more information contact (518) 581-1230 or To register and to learn more about the council, go to www.