Prevention Works!
Our accomplishments.

Prevention Works.
Our Accomplishments!

The Prevention Council leads local efforts to reduce the harm of addiction across Saratoga County, with prevention programs, trainings and services. Our accomplishments across Saratoga County are felt everyday, as we work to reduce the harm of addiction in our communities. Our staff is in the community assisting youth, parents, business and community leaders in responding to the challenges we all face in preventing and treating alcohol and other drug addiction. By supporting parents, families, and schools we create environments that lessen risk and enhance resiliency in our youth.

At its core, our programs are about life skills. Skills that are not just learned in the classroom but are observed and modeled through everyday life in our communities. We strive to bring awareness to parents and all adults in our communities of the vital role they play in communicating to young people how to live a healthy life.

We proudly present our 2023 accomplishments—please click the image below.

Prevention Council Annual Report 2023