New effort announced to curb heroin overdoses By preventioncouncil|2016-03-10T08:59:08-05:00March 10, 2016|Events, Local News, Prevention, Prevention Council, Substance Abuse|
Training programs in heroin/opioid OD prevention By preventioncouncil|2016-03-10T08:53:00-05:00March 10, 2016|Prevention, Prevention Council, Substance Abuse|
CAPteens initiate heroin discussion By preventioncouncil|2016-02-24T11:33:45-05:00February 24, 2016|Prevention|
Community coalition fights heroin use By preventioncouncil|2016-02-10T11:50:58-05:00February 10, 2016|Prevention|
Recovery group highlights health, strength of members By preventioncouncil|2016-01-06T08:30:48-05:00January 6, 2016|Prevention, Prevention Council, Recovery|
How do you measure alcohol use among teenagers? The New York State Office on Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Services (OASAS) goes right to the source, asking the teens themselves. By preventioncouncil|2016-01-08T13:10:37-05:00December 16, 2015|Alcohol, Parenting, Prevention, Prevention Council, Substance Abuse, Underage Drinking|
Candlelight Vigil in Congress Park Marked International Overdose Awareness Day. By preventioncouncil|2015-09-02T08:35:42-04:00September 2, 2015|Prevention, Prevention Council, Recovery|
International Overdose Awareness Vigil held in Saratoga Springs By preventioncouncil|2015-09-01T09:58:54-04:00September 1, 2015|Prevention, Prevention Council, Recovery|
A candlelight vigil was held in Saratoga Springs on Monday in honor of International Overdose Awareness Day. By preventioncouncil|2015-09-01T09:56:27-04:00September 1, 2015|Prevention, Prevention Council, Recovery|
Camp teaches kids skill for middle school and beyond By preventioncouncil|2015-07-30T11:30:51-04:00July 30, 2015|Camps, Prevention, Prevention Council|