Grant awarded to reduce youth substance abuse By preventioncouncil|2015-05-13T09:18:23-04:00May 13, 2015|Prevention, Prevention Council, Substance Abuse|
Prevention council effort strives to educate on dangers of heroin By preventioncouncil|2015-05-05T09:02:58-04:00May 5, 2015|Prevention, Prevention Council, Recovery, Substance Abuse|
‘Changing the conversation’ about alcohol, drug treatment By preventioncouncil|2015-01-28T10:24:20-05:00November 24, 2014|Alcohol, Prevention, Prevention Council, Recovery, Substance Abuse|
A dose of reality: South High panel talks about prevalence of pot use among students By preventioncouncil|2015-01-28T10:25:03-05:00November 19, 2014|Prevention Council, Recovery, Substance Abuse|
Getting the straight dope on marijuana use By preventioncouncil|2015-01-28T10:26:06-05:00November 19, 2014|Prevention Council, Substance Abuse|