Capital Region nonprofits win grants to expand addiction recovery services By preventioncouncil|2019-03-25T11:10:49-04:00March 7, 2019|Alcohol, Local News, Prevention, Prevention Council, Recovery, Substance Abuse|
12 Saratoga County establishments cited in underage drinking check By preventioncouncil|2019-02-21T09:42:31-05:00February 21, 2019|Alcohol, Prevention, Underage Drinking|
Letter to the editor: Local drug drop boxes promoted By preventioncouncil|2019-02-19T12:03:51-05:00February 19, 2019|Prevention, Prevention Council, Substance Abuse|
High schools helping hungry students By preventioncouncil|2018-01-14T22:32:37-05:00January 14, 2018|Prevention|
Media must tell the truth about gambling By preventioncouncil|2017-10-20T09:50:10-04:00October 20, 2017|Gambling, Prevention, Prevention Council|
Great way to get dirty: Hundreds attend Tuff eNuff Challenge By preventioncouncil|2017-06-05T13:05:52-04:00June 5, 2017|Prevention, Prevention Council|
Partnership with Saratoga County Sheriff’s Office By preventioncouncil|2017-02-27T10:00:59-05:00February 27, 2017|Prevention, Prevention Council|
Fundraiser shines light on opioid epidemic in Saratoga Co. By preventioncouncil|2016-10-05T09:28:01-04:00October 5, 2016|Prevention, Prevention Council, Recovery, Substance Abuse|
PREVENTION COUNCIL OF SARATOGA COUNTY RECRUTING SPEAKERS FOR MONTHLY VICTIM IMPACT PANEL. By preventioncouncil|2016-07-28T13:45:58-04:00July 28, 2016|Driving Under the Influence, Local News, Prevention, Prevention Council|
Two Pieces of Bad News about Pot Legalization — Rates of Marijuana Poisoning Skyrocket Among Colorado Kids & Stoned Driving Increases in Washington Since “Retail Legalization” By preventioncouncil|2016-07-28T13:12:27-04:00July 28, 2016|News, Prevention, Substance Abuse|