Heroin, opioid demonstration spreads overdose knowledge By preventioncouncil|2016-09-14T09:18:27-04:00September 14, 2016|Prevention Council, Recovery, Substance Abuse|
Two Pieces of Bad News about Pot Legalization — Rates of Marijuana Poisoning Skyrocket Among Colorado Kids & Stoned Driving Increases in Washington Since “Retail Legalization” By preventioncouncil|2016-07-28T13:12:27-04:00July 28, 2016|News, Prevention, Substance Abuse|
Letter to the editor: We need to continue to educate community about drug solutions By preventioncouncil|2016-06-20T09:34:35-04:00June 20, 2016|Prevention, Prevention Council, Substance Abuse|
Saratoga Springs Students Learn About Social Media Safety By preventioncouncil|2016-03-18T17:13:32-04:00March 18, 2016|Alcohol, Driving Under the Influence, Local News, Prevention, Prevention Council, Substance Abuse, Underage Drinking|
Conference educates students of important prevention techniques By preventioncouncil|2016-03-18T17:06:19-04:00March 18, 2016|Alcohol, Prevention, Prevention Council, Substance Abuse, Underage Drinking|
Students gather in Saratoga County to promote responsible behavior Prom and graduation parties can raise potential problems By preventioncouncil|2016-03-18T17:03:02-04:00March 18, 2016|Driving Under the Influence, Prevention, Prevention Council, Substance Abuse, Underage Drinking|
Overdose drug Narcan training in Saratoga Springs By preventioncouncil|2016-03-15T08:18:01-04:00March 15, 2016|Events, Local News, Prevention, Prevention Council, Substance Abuse|
New effort announced to curb heroin overdoses By preventioncouncil|2016-03-10T08:59:08-05:00March 10, 2016|Events, Local News, Prevention, Prevention Council, Substance Abuse|
Training programs in heroin/opioid OD prevention By preventioncouncil|2016-03-10T08:53:00-05:00March 10, 2016|Prevention, Prevention Council, Substance Abuse|
How do you measure alcohol use among teenagers? The New York State Office on Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Services (OASAS) goes right to the source, asking the teens themselves. By preventioncouncil|2016-01-08T13:10:37-05:00December 16, 2015|Alcohol, Parenting, Prevention, Prevention Council, Substance Abuse, Underage Drinking|