Prevention Council News
Prevention Council News
Substance Abuse Education Class Cancelled 1-26-15
The Substance Abuse Education Class (ASAEC) scheduled for tonight 1/26/15 at the Prevention Council has been cancelled due to inclement weather. The 6 week program will begin next Monday (2-2-15) evening.
SOUTH GLENS FALLS — The school will hold a forum about teen stress on Wednesday
Featured in: The Post Star January 20, 2015 Link to story found here: The event, titled “Teens and Stress: How parents can help” will take place from 6:30-8 p.m. in the library of Oliver W. Winch Middle School. It will provide parents with practical information about the stressors adolescents face and the important role parent’s play in helping teens navigate them. The program will be interactive and feature a panel of middle school and high school counselors and faculty, along with Pierre Zimmerman from One Big Roof in Saratoga Springs. A number of high schools students will attend [...]
Prevention Council Board member Brian Farr featured for his impactful work in prevention
First Step Consultation shows way to recovery Featured in: The Saratogian Story by: Jenny Grey Link to full article can be found here: Brian Farr first noticed the negative effects of families’ alcoholism and drug overuse while he was working a second job as a school bus driver in Corinth, where he’d grown up. He had the longest, poorest route in town, and he saw what some of the troubled homes of his young riders were like. “I was a confirmed bachelor when I began that job,” Farr said. “Most of the drivers wanted to change their [...]
Coalitions stress safe driving message
December 18, 2014 Featured in: The Post Star Story by: Meg Hagerty Three Saratoga County community-based coalitions for substance abuse are using social media to drive home the message of the dangers of making poor choices behind the wheel. During the month of December, the Saratoga Partnership for Prevention, South Glens Falls Community Coalition for Family Wellness and Shenendehowa Community Coalition are tweeting on Twitter and posting on Facebook and Instagram facts and images to better educate the public about drunken and drugged driving during National Impaired Driving Prevention Month. Their goal is to reduce the number [...]
SARATOGA SPRINGS – It’s a festive time of year.
Tuesday, December 9, 2014 Featured on: WNYT Story by: Mark Mulholland Link to coverage can be found here: SARATOGA SPRINGS - It's a festive time of year. Family reunions, Christmas gatherings and parties. And they almost always involve alcohol. And they sometimes involve driving after. Law enforcement and prevention experts say they're not opposed to people sharing in holiday cheer, but those cocktails shouldn't be mixed with getting behind the wheel. "If you drink and drive, you put yourselves and others at risk," said Warren County District Attorney Kate Hogan. "Even if you don't hurt anyone, it's going [...]
Police aim to crack down on DWI, distracted driving during holidays
Tuesday, November 18, 2014 Featured in: The Daily Gazette Story by: Stephen Williams Link to article can be found here: SARATOGA COUNTY — There will be extra police patrols looking for drunken or drugged driving across the county at Thanksgiving and also over a three-week “holiday” period in December, Saratoga County law-enforcement officials said Monday. The county STOP-DWI program will pay overtime to put extra patrols on the road in Saratoga Springs and elsewhere from Nov. 26-30, and then at times from Dec. 12 through Jan. 1. Police will be looking for drunken or drug-impaired drivers, [...]
Saratoga, N.Y.—December 1, 2014: Nearly 12,000 people die every year in alcohol and drug-related crashes, one person dead every 53 minutes and one person injured every two minutes. Impaired driving is not just a problem for law enforcement, courts or victims. When impaired drivers take to the road, they not only put themselves at risk, they also put the public's safety in jeopardy. Beginning in December three Prevention Council supported coalitions will kick off a Twitter based drunk and drugged driving awareness campaign to educate about these dangers. The campaign will use a comprehensive multi-media approach, compelling facts, and vivid [...]
Saratoga Springs Police Department’s Prescription Drug Drop Box
November 25, 2014 The Saratoga Springs Police Department is pleased to announce the installation of a secure prescription drug drop-off box in the lobby of the police station. The Police Department and the Prevention Council have worked together for the past several years on the bi-annual Drug Take Back Days. The installation of the drop box is an extension of those efforts. Some of the concerns put forth from our citizens have been what to do with unused, unwanted, and/or expired prescription drugs. It often seems these prescription drugs end up in the wrong place when not dealt with in [...]
‘Changing the conversation’ about alcohol, drug treatment
November 24, 2014 Story by: Meg Hagerty Featured in: The Post-Star Link to article can be found here: An area grass-roots effort is underway to help erase the stigma surrounding alcohol and drug addiction. Since July, supporters of RAIS, Recovery Advocacy In Saratoga, have been meeting in hopes of becoming a community resource for individuals and families in recovery. The belief is that, by “changing the conversation” about recovery, addicts will be more likely to achieve long-term success, and others will be encouraged to pursue recovery. Robert Lindsey, a volunteer who has spent his career in alcoholism and [...]
A dose of reality: South High panel talks about prevalence of pot use among students
October 30, 2014 Story by: Michael Goot Featured in: The Post-Star Link to article can be found here: MOREAU -- South Glens Falls High School students are smoking marijuana at sporting events, behind the elementary school after hours and even during lunch, say a panel of their peers. Senior Teyler Nassivera said some students have put marijuana into e-cigarettes and taken a video of themselves smoking in the lunch line that they post on the social media site Snapchat. “I know people who have snuck it to school. I know people who are using it for stress-relievers,” [...]