All Stars Camp: Using “5”

5 Powerful Strategies to Deter the Onset of Risky Behaviors

1. Building idealism and a sense of the future

  • Believing in what is possible and desirable for the future.
  • Understanding that one’s future aspirations do not fit with a lifestyle of alcohol, tobacco, other drug use, and other risky behaviors.

2. Reinforcing beliefs in conventional norms

  • All Stars promotes the belief that risky behaviors are not prevalent or acceptable among the peer group.
  • Youth discover the positive norms they share.

3. Building strong personal commitments

  • Reinforces a young person’s intention to refrain from risky behaviors.
  • Creates opportunities for young people to make personal commitments, which are most effective if they are voluntary, personal and public

4. Promoting bonding with positive institutions

  • Bonding is a sense of belonging and attachment.
  • The goal is to develop bonding between young people and social institutions, friendship groups, and adults who have adopted standards that do not promote alcohol, tobacco or other drug use, sexual activity, or violence

5. Promotes positive parental/adult attention, such as:

  • Understanding growth and development
  • Showing love
  • Promoting positive attachments
  • Setting clear standards
  • Monitoring and supervision
  • Providing discipline
  • Setting a positive example

To accomplish these goals, the All Stars Camp curriculum uses nine interactive sessions. The initial sessions concentrate on personal ideals and goals. Students then examine the norms of their peers and help each other plan positive futures while making personal commitments based on their goals and ideals. Methods of instruction include large group discussions, small group activities, games, written work, and artwork. There are also one-on-one opportunities for families to discuss paperwork brought home by All Stars Camp participants.