All Stars Camp: Curriculum

Delivered During Interactive, 45-Minute All Stars Camp Curriculum Sessions

During each of the interactive, 45-minute curriculum sessions that take place in the morning and afternoon at All Stars camp, students identify positive ideals and future aspirations. By participating in games and discussions that establish positive peer group norms, peer pressure to engage in risky behavior disappears. Students commit to personal standards of behaviors. All Stars promotes bonding with family, school and community, and it encourages parents and kids to talk about aspirations and commitments.

Research has shown that All Stars prevents alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use, reduces bullying and fighting, and postpones sexual activity by:

  • Building idealism and a belief in the future
  • Establishing positive norms
  • Establishing personal commitments to avoid risky behaviors
  • Promoting bonding to school and the group
  • Promoting positive parental attentiveness

Below is a brief overview of each day’s All Stars Camp curriculum components:

Monday AM
Welcome, Ground Rules
Opinion survey

Monday PM
Thinking about the future
Possible Futures worksheet
Group activity:  Shared positive ideals

Tuesday AM  
Personal Shield activity
Drawing, summarizing ideals

Tuesday PM
Consequences activity:  If …then
Getting a reputation worksheet
Partner activity:  Reputation advice

Wednesday AM     
Group Activity:  Opinion Poll Game

Wednesday PM
Good Citizenship
Activity:  The Court of Public Opinion
Good judgment worksheet

Thursday AM
Making & Keeping Commitments
Activity:  Personal Commitments

Thursday PM
Finalize commitment form
Activity:  Commitment Statement

Friday AM  
Activity:  Group Commitment Game