Prevention Council News2024-06-11T08:40:31-04:00

Prevention Council News

Prevention Council News


GOVERNOR CUOMO AND LEGISLATIVE LEADERS ANNOUNCE AGREEMENT TO COMBAT HEROIN AND OPIOID ABUSE IN NEW YORK STATE Comprehensive Legislative Package Limits Opioid Prescriptions from 30 to 7 Days, Requires Mandatory Prescriber Education on Pain Management to Stem the Tide of Addiction, Eliminates Burdensome Insurance Barriers to Treatment Expands Supports for New Yorkers in Recovery, Increases Treatment Beds by 270 and Expands Program Slots for Substance Use Disorder by 2,335 in New York Governor Andrew M. Cuomo, Senate Majority Leader John Flanagan, Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie and Senate Independent Democratic Conference Leader Jeffrey Klein today announced a final agreement on new [...]

June 20, 2016|Categories: Prevention|

Letter to the editor: We need to continue to educate community about drug solutions

Editor: I would like to thank Mr. Lehman for writing the article “Medication collection box installed at Glens Falls Police station.” Our coalition would like to point out the primary reason these boxes are so important. Drug abuse often begins when kids have easy access to medications, which is another reason why medications should be locked up or disposed of immediately. The Community Coalition for Family Wellness in South Glens Falls was formed in 2010 in response to concerns about teen deaths in the South Glens Falls community. Our coalition has secured grant funding to reduce substance use in the [...]

June 20, 2016|Categories: Prevention, Prevention Council, Substance Abuse|

Down and dirty: Hundreds turn out for Tuff eNuff Challenge

June 5, 2016 Story by Paul Post Featured in:The Saratogian Link to article can be found here: Racers navigate a steep dirt hill, one of many obstacles in the 5K Tuff eNuff Challenge for teens and adults in Saratoga Springs on Saturday. More than 500 people took part in the event, a fundraiser for the Prevention Council. Racers navigate a steep dirt hill, one of many obstacles in the 5K Tuff eNuff Challenge for teens and adults in Saratoga Springs on Saturday. More than 500 people took part in the event, a fundraiser for the Prevention Council. Neil Cary had [...]

June 9, 2016|Categories: Prevention|

Lock It Up! The Prevention Council advises to lock up all your alcohol so that it cannot be accessed by your children or their friends Nearly half of kids between the ages of 12 and 14 who drink get their alcohol from their family or at home, according to a new report from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMSHA). To ensure Saratoga communities are educated and empowered to address underage drinking in a critical way-removing access to alcohol, the Prevention Council launched a billboard campaign advising parents to lock up their alcohol.  The billboard’s message raises awareness that a teen’s #1 source of alcohol is in the home, and is a call to action to lock up alcohol in the home. [...]

May 24, 2016|Categories: Alcohol, Parenting, Prevention, Prevention Council, Underage Drinking|

Recovering heroin addict Andrew McKenna speaks at library

Recovering heroin addict Andrew McKenna speaks at library Story by: Jennie Grey Seen in: The Saratogian Link to full article found at: April 8, 2016 SARATOGA SPRINGS >> Andrew McKenna has lived a life of interesting irony: A former federal prosecutor, he became addicted to heroin and committed multiple bank robberies, ending up in federal prison. Now in recovery and free, he has transformed himself into an author and public speaker who inspires others to overcome addiction and adversity; and April 7, he spoke at Saratoga Springs Public Library. The event was sponsored by Recovery Advocacy in Saratoga (RAIS) and [...]

April 11, 2016|Categories: Prevention|

Saratoga Springs Students Learn About Social Media Safety

March 17, 2016 Featured on TWC News Links to video can be found here: Saratoga Springs students took the day off to learn how to use social media safely and wisely. More than 250 students attended the Safe Spring Student Leadership Conference at Skidmore College Thursday. Organized by the Saratoga County Prevention Council, the conference allowed students to discuss healthy online habits and behaviors. Students attended workshops about social media safety, media literacy and drug and alcohol prevention methods. Many of the workshops highlighted social media's ability to skew perceptions of alcohol and drug use. The Youth Specialist for the [...]

Conference educates students of important prevention techniques

March 18, 2016 Seen in: The Saratogian Story by: Jennie Grey Link to full article found here: March 17 heralded the Prevention Council’s 34th annual Safe Spring Student Leadership Conference, held at Skidmore College for high-school students. The goal of the conference, sponsored by Saratoga County Stop DWI, was to motivate and prepare student leaders to actively engage their peers in effective local prevention initiatives centered around prom, graduation and other spring social events. More than 270 Saratoga County high school students from all 12 districts and BOCES learned from local prevention specialists and engaged in local awareness efforts. [...]

Students gather in Saratoga County to promote responsible behavior Prom and graduation parties can raise potential problems

March 18, 2016 Seen in: The Daily Gazette Story By: Cady Kuzmich Link to full article can be found here: As high school students try on prom dresses, peruse corsages and organize graduation parties, their parents may begin to worry about the potential dangers of drugs and alcohol their children could confront this spring. Nearly 300 students from across Saratoga County came together to discuss different ways to promote responsible decision-making during these milestones at The Prevention Council’s 34th annual Safe Spring Student Leadership Conference Thursday morning at Skidmore College. “We need to remind young people they don’t need [...]

Overdose drug Narcan training in Saratoga Springs

March 14, 2016 Featured on: WRGB Albany 6 News Link to full coverage can be found here:   SARATOGA SPRINGS -- A one-hour training session on how to use a drug that reverses an opioid or heroin overdose will be offered for the first time in Saratoga County Monday afternoon. The Saratoga Springs Prevention Council, along with Catholic Charities are putting on the session. The hope is to get the general public involved in the fight against heroin by training them to administer Narcan. New York is one of a handful of states where more people die every year from [...]

March 15, 2016|Categories: Events, Local News, Prevention, Prevention Council, Substance Abuse|

New effort announced to curb heroin overdoses

March 9, 2016 Featured on: WRGB Albany-CBS6 Link to feature can be found at: SARATOGA SPRINGS-There's new partnership to prevent heroin overdoses in our area. The Saratoga Springs Prevention Council, along with Catholic Charities, have announced new training programs to deal with the growing problem. The hope is to get the general public involved in the fight against heroin by training them to administer Narcan, a drug used to save someone who's overdosing. "As opioids continue to be used in our county and throughout the country and there are more frequent overdoses than we've experienced before it's important to have [...]

March 10, 2016|Categories: Events, Local News, Prevention, Prevention Council, Substance Abuse|
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