Information & Resources

alcholol, drug abuse, bullying training

Welcome to the Prevention Council’s Online Information and Resources Center

We feature a collection of resources for parents, educators and communities. Use this page as a portal for the following prevention topics:


Alcohol Is the Most Commonly Used Drug. Found in beer, wine and spirits (like whiskey, gin, scotch, vodka, etc.) alcohol is a psychoactive drug that has a depressant effect. Alcohol, consumed across cultures, often used to help and promote social interaction, is popular, generally accepted and legal. VIEW PAGE


Bullying can happen anywhere. Many children and teens are regular victims of bullying, which can lead to serious emotional scarring and problems with the victim’s self-esteem and self-image. Our goal is to help teens, families, schools, and communites get the education and help they need to prevent bullying. VIEW PAGE

Driving Under the Influence and Drugged Driving

DUI, or impaired driving, refers to operating a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or both. Drugged driving is one of the most often committed and deadliest crimes. In New York, drugged drivers can be charged with Driving While Ability Impaired – Drugs (DWAI-Drugs) or DWAI-Combination when both drugs and alcohol are involved. VIEW PAGE


Do you know that more adolescents gamble than use tobacco, hard liquor, and marijuana? Yet only 13% of parents believe their child gambles for money. The fact is, 68% of youth between the ages of 14 and 21 reported having gambled in the last year, and adolescents as young as 10 years old are 2-4 times more likely to develop a problem with gambling than adults. VIEW PAGE


Parenting today’s teens and pre-teens presents a number of specific challenges. The Prevention Council can help parent explore various ways of dealing with difficult behavior and practice specific strategies that address a variety of teen problems. VIEW PAGE


There are approximately 23 million Americans living in long-term recovery from alcohol and other drug addiction, battling deeply entrenched social stigma that keep them silent and hidden. Explore ideas about organizing to end discrimination and move toward recovery-based solutions. VIEW PAGE

Substance Abuse

The Prevention Council also offers two different substance abuse education classes designed for youth involved in the court system. Both programs are offered to schools as alternatives to suspensions, in addition to suspensions, and also to parents or guardians wishing to refer their child(ren). The classes are best suited for first- or second-time non-violent offenders. VIEW PAGE

Suicide and Mental Health

The Prevention Council provides resources to help at-risk students build self-esteem and improve decision making, personal control and interpersonal communication. The Prevention Council can also provide training on suicide prevention and can direct teen to crisis call centers. VIEW PAGE


The Prevention Council provides resources on issues of tobacco use; and anti-tobacco efforts such as education, cessation programs, media literacy and policy change. Tobacco is a carrier for the highly addictive drug nicotine. Once your body gets a taste for nicotine, it can quickly become a life-long addiction, with extremely fatal consequences. VIEW PAGE

Underage Drinking

The Prevention Council works to reduce youth alcohol and substance abuse by involving many different groups, organizations, agencies, community leaders and residents. We believe a diverse group helps us pay better attention to the needs of our community. VIEW PAGE


The Prevention Council is a liaison for Saratoga residents looking for resources and information about alcohol, substance use, gambling, and other addiction issues, as well as suicide prevention.

View our directory of hotlines and crisis centers